Back Pain: Top 3 Recommended Low Back Stretches
Here is some of my favorite low back stretches.
If your back is feeling a little bit stiff or sore, sometimes stretching it out is a nice way to improve those symptoms.
Keys to remember for low back stretches
Aim to hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.
All stretches should feel comfortable
Do some breathing while completing them.
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Knee to chest +/- across to opposite shoulder
1. Pull one knee in towards your chest and hold the knee in so you feel that pulling along one side of your lower back.
if you like to make that a little bit more of a stretch towards the glute or the hip region you can bring this knee in towards the opposite shoulder.
To progress, you can have both knees into the chest as well, is so likely be a slightly more intense stretch.
Angry Cat > Happy Dog
2. This one is going to be a little bit more of a dynamic stretch meaning that when you're moving through ranges and it can be a nice way to alleviate a stiff back.
We're looking for an angry cat and a happy dog, but we're going to do angry cat first.
Firstly, push palms down into the mat.
Tuck head down towards his knees and really arch up through his back for a nice stretch along those muscles down your back.
From there you're going to look for a happy dog.
So we're coming through neutral spine looking out towards the front. From there we're going to poke the chest out and imagine that we're going to wag the tail.
3. From there if we come back to our neutral spine, from there we're going to send you bottom down towards your heels for Childpose.
Child pose +/- twist
Get into a bit of more of a rounded back and again, stretch out all those long muscles along the back that can get a bit tight.
If you have pain that's more on one side of your lower back, you might like to add a twist to your child's pose. Hands out to one side to help release the side if a bit tighter.
I hope you've enjoyed some of my favorite low back stretches. If you need any help with your back, we'd love to see you soon.
Just click below.