phase 3: strength and power

2-4x weekly gym rehabilitation sessions

Concurrent meniscal injury may not get full flexion (wk4 120?)

Duration: approximately weeks 2 to 12


ROM: Full Range of Movement

ROM: Full Range of Movement

STRENGTH: 90% Quads and Hamstrings with non-op side

STRENGTH: 90% Quads and Hamstrings with non-op side

CONTROL: Step downs x5 without sway or twist

CONTROL: Step downs x5 without sway or twist

FUNCTIONAL symmetry: Hamstring Bridge, Calf Raise, Sideplank

FUNCTIONAL symmetry: Hamstring Bridge, Calf Raise, Sideplank

  1. Inner Range: Bulgarians initially 0-30deg then progress, Seated Knee Extension @6-8wks,

  2. Goblet squats - high chair, low chair

  3. Supported Single Leg Squat >100deg

  4. Single leg box squat ‘sit back’

  5. Single Leg leg press


    Double leg wall sit (at 90degs) 1 minute

    Single leg wall sit (at 45 degs) 1 minute

  1. DL/SL hip thrusts

  2. Nordics, razor curls

  3. SL RDL > Single leg hamstring box bridge

  4. Hamstring Slideouts

  1. Crabwalks 3x12 work upto Double black theraband

  2. Hip hitch

  3. Midstance foot control

  1. Calf raises - DL > SL > Off step

  2. Sled drags - fwd/bwd

  1. Single leg balance disc (2x 60seconds)

  2. Heel toe rocking

  3. Tick tok

  4. No’s and Yes’s x15

  5. SEBT balance test

  1. Drop catch 2 feet

    1. land softly, land quetly ‘shhh’!

    2. Quick and quiet

    3. plus 1xBW on bar

  2. Drop catch 1 foot - hold 3 secs

    1. plus 50% BW on bar

  3. Mini hops

    1. on the spot > fwd >bwd

    2. side > start of COD stream

    3. add 90deg turn medially

  4. Banded Triple Extension - with wall support

  5. Running warmups and drills